Best Kittel

In modern pigeon racing the absolute number 1 family for speed racing is the Best Kittel-dynasty. Year after years winners of the 1st Nat. acebird KBDB speed and the leading strain now at the loft of PIPA Breeding. Worldwide offspring of this family wins in National racing and International One Loft racing.

A small survey of KBDB successes from the ‘Best Kittel’ family in KBDB competition:


The phenomenon ‘Best Kittel’

In the first part of the Nineties the performances of the Belgian tandem Dehon-Demonseau became better and better. They even raced the 1st National acebird KBDB in 2015 but a year later another pigeon of them made his first stept towards eternal fame ending 4th Nat. acebird KBDB Sprint 2016; this was BE15-1029362 … His owners decided not to put him in the breeding loft but brought him to the start of the 2017 season as favourite in the racing team … this was the best decision they ever made in their pigeon career!

At the end of the 2017 season, this super cock BE15-1029362 had been crowned 1st Nat. Ace Sprint KBDB with the smallest coefficient of the history. With an incredible coefficient of 0.89% won on 6 races he holds an absolute record in this discipline. As the best sprinter ever, he was given the name ‘Best Kittel’. His best top positions were:

  • 1st Nat. acebird sprint KBDB 2017
  • 4th Nat. acebird sprint KBDB 2016
  • 1st Ecouen 1,082 b.
  • 1st Ecouen 841 b.
  • 1st Pont 548 b.

Original Best Kittel Pigeon

Full brothers to ‘Best Kittel’ were also toppers just a year after; one of them was BE17-1019401, winner of a/o

In the same year the BE17-1019427 was bred, also a full brother to ‘Best Kittel’ … he was a real topper too, also in breeding of great value. He won:

‘427 Brother Best Kittel’ already bred toppers, winners of 1st Pont 1,184 b., 1st Ecouen 521 b., 2nd Noyon 1,384 b., 2nd Ecouen 1,167 b., 2nd Pont 448 b. and many more top 10 positions!

‘Best Kittel’ is strong inbred to the nr. 1 base breeder of Dehon-Demonseau called ‘Méchant’. He was bred  from original M. & G. Casaert pigeons, the iconic colony of the Belgian pigeon sport. ‘Méchant’ was himself crowned as 1st prov. ace Sprint KBDB in 2007 and became a fantastic breeder while paired up with different hens.


Immense breeding successes

The super success of ‘Best Kittel’ attracted many potential buyers to purchase him … Thomas Gyselbrecht from PIPA wanted ‘Best Kittel’ and his family to take the central breeding position in his project PIPA Breeding. In the eyes of Thomas ‘Best Kittel’ was such an exceptional pigeon he could follow the footsteps of other legends such as ‘Kannibaal’ from Van Dyck, ‘Gladiator’ from Geerinckx and ‘New Freddy’ from PEC/Pierre Mathijs.

Before the 2017 season – when ‘Best Kittel’ was crowned 1st Nat. ace KBDB – he bred BE17-1019414 ‘Junior’ … it did not take this beauty cock long to show its genes were made of gold. As yearling he had a top season in 2018 and was crowned as 2. Nat. ace Sprint YL KBDB, just missing then Olympiad as 4th Belgian Olympiad bird cat. A Poznan 2019. He was the most important co-winner of the most prestigious title for sprint racers: 1st National champion sprint old & YL KBDB 2018 … after his racing career he bred fantastic, offspring won a/o: 1st s-prov. winner 3,541 b. for Wiersema, NL … multiple 1st Fed. Winners in the UK… and especially One Loft Race toppers, like winners of 3rd Hot Spot V 450 km 2020, 6th-7th-43rd final 600 km 2021, 12th-15th-27th Super Ace & 16th-43rd-49th Grand Average 2021 and 15th Super Ace, 33rd Grand Average 2020 in the Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race.

Best Kittel Pigeons Family Tree

It was the beginning of the a huge number of successes of ‘Best Kittel’ offspring. PIPA Breeding tests grandchildren at many lofts over the world and in record time 1st prizes were won week in week out accompanied by wonderful performances in One Loft racing. Over 100x 1st prizes are won by grandchildren already; a small survey of the most impressive performances;

Direct children won a/o

  • 1st Nat. acebird sprint KBDB 2020 with ‘Best Kittel II’
  •  2nd Nat. acebird sprint KBDB 2018 with ‘Junior’
  •  1st Super Ace VFWCPR 2021 with ‘Victory Best Kittel’

‘Best Kittel’ is since 2018 father & grandfather of a/o

  • At least 100x 1st prize all over the world
  • 1st s-prov. Quievrain 7,305 b. at Sangers Pigeons
  • 1st Open Tullarmore 6,528 b.
  • 1st prov. young acebird 2019
  • 1st prize Hot Spot 3 SA Million Dollar race 2019
  • 1st prize Hot Spot 1 Central Provincial OLR
  • 1st prov. acebird RPRA youngster
  • 7th Nat. acebird sprint old KBDB 2021 at Dehon Demonseau

‘Best Kittel’ references in the 2 biggest OLR in the world in 2020-2022 – the Pattaya International Pigeon Race (PIPR) and Victoria Falls World Challenge Pigeon Race (VFWCPR) – are also extremely impressive!!!


Successes kept on coming

With products of the ‘Best Kittel’ family Dehon-Demonseau kept on dominating the National KBDB speed races. From 2019 until 2021 they were 3 consecutive years 1st National ace with the following stars:

‘Daniel’ is g.father of a/o the winner 1st acebird Al Shaheed One Loft Race 2022 and 2nd-12th-73rd-123rd final Pattaya (PIPR) OLR 530 km 4,033 b. 2022. Father of ‘Daniël’ is himself winner of 16th Nat. acebird sprint KBDB and cousin of ‘Best Kittel’. Brothers and (half)brothers to ‘Daniël’ are 1st prize winners and 1st prize breeders.

A year later in 2020 BE19-4130060 ‘Best Kittel II’ grabbed the title 1st Nat. acebird sprint KBDB 2020. Like his name already shows, he is a direct son of ‘Best Kittel’ bred at PIPA Breeding and paired to a full sister of Dirk Van Den Bulck phenomenon ‘Olympic Rosita’. In his short career ‘Best Kittel II’ was winner of a/o

Already in his first year of breeding ‘Best Kittel II’ bred 5 different 1st prize winners.

The comparisons between phenomenon ‘Best Kittel’ and his 2021 successor BE18-1045025 ‘Blue Best Kittel’ can easily be made … both winner of the title 4th Nat. acebird sprint, kept for racing to maybe even improve the performances and rewarding this decission a but later winning the 1st National acebird title …  and also; ‘Best Kittel’ won the title with a record-breaking coefficient in history. This was lowered afterwards and now ‘Blue Best Kittel’ brings it back to the ‘Black Kittel’ family. His earlier title was 4th Nat. acebird Sprint KBDB YL 2019, with as best results over the years:

Another comparison to his famous cousin ‘Best Kittel’: both bred youngsters already during their racing career and both bred winning children! Only few children ‘Blue Best Kittel’ were sold in this period (4 or 5 maximum) and two of them already proved their worth as breeders. Like a son winning 1st final Midlands National Flying Club 2,137 youngsters in UK and a granddaughter crowned as 3rd Nat. ace Young birds RPRA 2021 also in the UK. In Belgium ‘Junior II’ (BE20-1090910) was crowned as 4th National ace sprint YL KBDB 2021 as child of ‘Blue Best Kittel’ and nestmate to this new topper is breeder of 15th Nat. acebird sprint KBDB 2021 winning 1st-1st-2nd-2nd-2nd-3rd prize.

The impact of the ‘Best Kittel’ family on International racing is getting more and more impressive! 1st Nat. aces KBDB keep on coming from these lines and on every continent they are massive winners … is there any better pigeon family this moment?