
Impressive ‘Best Kittel’ collection

Sangers Pigeons owns one of the most impressive ‘Best Kittel’ families in the world! ‘Best Kittel’ is the best current sprint breeder in the world, himself winner of 1. Nat. ace Sprint KBDB & 4. Nat. ace Sprint KBDB … breeder of 1. & 2. Nat. ace Sprint KBDB & generations winning all over the world!

Sangers Pigeons own a sensational collection of ‘Best Kittel’ pigeons including:

– 14 direct children ‘Best Kittel’, 1.-4. Nat. ace Sprint KBDB & superbreeder
– 11 direct children ‘Best Kittel II’, 1. Nat. ace Sprint KBDB & son ‘Best Kittel’
– 4 direct children ‘Junior’, 2. Nat. Ace Sprint KBDB & son ‘Best Kittel’
– 10 direct children ‘Blue Best Kittel’, 1. & 4. Nat. ace Sprint KBDB
– 6 direct children ‘Daniel’, 1. Nat. ace Sprint KBDB & ‘Best Kittel’ family

Amongst these pigeons are several co-bred products Sangers Pigeons with PIPA Breeding …  they are from ‘Best Kittel’ and ‘Best Kittel II’ paired to ‘Gold Dust’ and ‘Angelina’ – the 2 best breeding sisters to ‘Kittel’ VD Bulck in the world.