With direct children of the Van Den Bulck champions ‘Olympic Kittel’ and ‘New Kittel’ the breeding colony of Sangers Pigeons got a new quality injection. Sangers Pigeons now own 3 direct children ‘New Kittel’ and 2 children and 2 brothers/sister to ‘Olympic Kittel’.
First new breeder is BE16-4230012 ‘New Kittel Queen’, beauty blue pied hen and bred from the wonderful pairing:
Father: ‘New Kittel’, Reserve Olympiad bird 2015 with 1.-1,371 b., 3.-1,993 b., 8.-1,571 b. as YB in 2014 … he is full brother of ‘Kittel’, 1. Nat. ace KBDB & superbreeder.
Mother: Bred from son of legend ‘Kittel’ x the top hen ‘Golden Leo 9999’.
At Sangers Pigeons one of the best Van Den Bulck breeders is ‘King’, also direct son ‘New Kittel’. ‘ King’ is father of ‘Dior’ (8. Nat. acebird WHZB allround 2019) … father of ‘Da Capo’ (winner 10.-15.-17. NPO) … father of ‘Sabrina’ (5x top 10 avg. +8,000 b.) … and g.father of 1. Birgonj 1,158 b.
Second new acquisition is BE18-6168644 ‘Kittel Queen’, fantastic inbred pied hen.
Father: ‘Olympic Kittel 006’, 4x top 5 winner against avg. +2,000 b. from son to ‘Kittel’ x daughter of ‘Brother Goede Rode’ x ‘Golden Leo 9999’.
Mother: Direct daughter to ‘Kittel’, 1. Nat. acebird KBDB paired to sister ‘Nieuwe Olympiade’ Heremans.