Son of ‘Kittel’ x ‘Olympic Rosita’
Hyper Inbred Son x Mother pairing
Dirk Van Den Bulck
Grandfather of a/o
1. prize 148 miles race Cuevas Classic OLR
Inbred from ‘Kittel’ x own mother
1. Nat. acebird KBDB speed 2013
All prizes for KBDB champion won
against avg. +2.000 b. & +300 lofts!
1. fastest Quievrain +25,000 b.
1. fastest Quievrain +17,000 b.
One of the best speed breeders ever
Son ‘Kittel’ x ‘Olympic Rosita’
Hyper Inbreed Son x Mother Pairing
Nestsister 2. Nat. ace KBDB
‘Junior’ Dght. ‘Best Kittel’
Son ‘Kittel’ x ‘Olympic Rosita’
Hyper Inbreed Son x Mother Pairing
Co-bred Sangers X PIPA
Dght. ‘Best Kittel II’ x ‘Angelina’
Son ‘Kittel’ x ‘Olympic Rosita’
Hyper Inbreed Son x Mother Pairing
Co-bred Sangers X PIPA
Dght. ‘Best Kittel II’ x ‘Angelina’
Son ‘Kittel’ x ‘Olympic Rosita’
Hyper Inbreed Son x Mother Pairing
Co-bred Sangers X PIPA
Dght. ‘Best Kittel’ x ‘Angelina’