Original G. & S. Verkerk
Son of star breeder ‘Martien’ x amazing ‘Laetitia’
Half brother to
3. s-Nat. Issoudun 23,833 b. same sec. as the winner
Father: ‘Martien’
– Half brother to ‘Solange’s Playboy’
1. NPO Vierzon 9,031 b. 2020
1. local / 2. Fontenay 2,341 b. 2020
– Half brother to ‘Nikkie’
1. NPO 5+6 Brive 2,687 b. 2021
8. Nat. young acebird middle dist. WHZB/TBOTB 2019
– Son of ‘Duncan’
1. Asse Zellik 3,621 b. 2017
5. NPO La Souterraine 4,783 b. 2017
Winner of 9x in the best 1%
– Son of ‘New Olympic Solange’
1. Dutch Olympiad bird cat. old 2019
2. Dutch Olympiad bird cat. MD 2019
2. Dutch Olympiad bird cat. allround 2019
1. Dutch middle & long distance racer PIPA Ranking 2018
1. Nat.acebird long distance NPO 2018
3. Dutch long distance racer PIPA Ranking 2018
4. Nat. acebird allround WHZB/TBOTB 2018
12. Dutch old acebird 12 prizes PIPA Ranking 2018
1. Melun 1,643 b. / 2. s-prov. 4,510 b. 2018
2. NPO Chateauroux 3,769 b. 2018 after loft mate
1. Argenton 759 b. / 8. Nat. S2 8,702 b.
16. Nat. S2 Chateauroux 7,151 birds 2018
19. NPO Gien 12,689 bird 2018
‘New Olympic Solange’ is breeder of winners
8. Nat. young acebird middle dist. WHZB/TBOTB 2019
1. NPO 5+6 Brive 2,687 b. 2021
1. Pontoise 930 b. / 8. Nat. S3 8,068 b. 2019
1. local / 2. Quievrain 2,276 b. 2020
1. local Niergnies 2021
4. prov. Peronne 8,044 b. 2019
4. fastest Peronne 19,257 b.
Mother: ‘Laetitia’
1. Nat Ace yearlings 2017
3. Nat. Ace allround 2017
1. Duffel 8,371 b.
1* Peronne 13,649
Mother of 3x 1. prize
– Mother of ‘Samantha’
2. prov. Pontoise 15,351 b.
13. Lennik 2,902 b.
65. NPO Vierzon 9,031 b.
86. prov. Peronne 16,670 b.
96. NPO Blois 11,576 b.
(Daughter ‘Gavin’ x ‘Laetitia’)