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BE24-4174398 | Grizzle Diamond

Grizzle Diamond


Original PIPA Breeding
Son of ‘Grizzle Best Kittel’ x daughter ‘Angelina 173’

‘Grizzle Best Kittel’
2. Nat. Ace KBDB Sprint YL 2022 after loftmate ‘Méchant Best Kittel’
1. Pont 2,322 b. / 1. Pont 1,363 b.
1. Ecouen 860 b. / 1. Pont 730 b.
1. Ecouen 696 b.
Also 6x only beaten by loft mates
Raced on 20 races & 17(!)x in top 1%
(Grand)father of at least 8x 1. prize

Father ‘Grizzle Best Kittel’ is ‘Best Kittel II’
1. Nat. acebird sprint KBDB 2020
Breeder of winners
Olympiad bird Maastricht 2024
2. & 3. Nat. ace KBDB Sprint 2022
At least 8x 1. between 479 b. – 2,639 b.
Direct son of ‘Best Kittel’

Mother ‘Grizzle Best Kittel’ is ‘Grizzle Mama’
Original Gebr. Leideman
Daughter of ‘Goed Grijs’
1. NPO Laon 6,371 b.
1. Duffel 5,821 b. 2 min. lead
1. Heusden Zolder 2,775 b.
1. Laon 1,052 b. 2017
1. Wijchen 786 b. 2016
1. Heusden-Zolder 656 b.
1. Hapert 231 b. 2016
Base breeding hen at Leideman
Etc., etc.

Mother of ‘Grizzle Diamond’
is daughter ‘Angelina’
One of the best breeding sisters to ‘Kittel’ in the world
3 generations offspring to ‘Angelina’ won
1. Nat. yearling acebird ‘De Allerbeste’ 2021
3. Nat. acebird middle distance ‘De Allerbeste’ 2017
1. prov. general acebird against +19,000 b.
1. acebird late tour Fed. 2020
2. prov. young acebird & 4. Nat. youngster NPO 2021
3. prov. acebird overall +19,000 b.
1. Niergnies 16,973 b.
1. Soissons 4,090 b.
1. NPO & fastest Rethel 4,088 b.
1. Epernay 1,172 b. / 3. s-prov. 3,400 b. 2017
1. Vervins 1,052 b. / 3. s-prov. 3,644 b. 2017
1. Nanteuil 256 b. / 5. s-prov. Nanteuil 2,784 b. 2017
6. fastest & TXT Nanteuil 4,998 b.
1. Hazeldonk 1,530 b. / 1. Nanteuil 1,150 b.
1. Lessines 948 b. /1. Salbris 885 b.
1. Asse Zellik 845 b. / 3. – 5,592 b.
1. Roye 765 b.
Many more 1. prize winners
2. prov. Blankenheim 17,726 b.
4. NPO Troyes 2,403 b. / 10. Nat. S3 8,415 b.
5. prov. Bierges 25,233 b.
11. NPO Fontenay 17,629 b.
12. NPO PS Maxence 33,687 b.