Late 2024 we invested in 3 more original Gebr. Leideman pigeons, bought on their only online auction this season on PIPA. Direct children of the toppers ‘Cobalt’ (1.-17,235 b., 1.-13,141 b.), ‘Vera’ (3. Prov. 18,212 b. & 3. Nat. 4,995 b.) and ‘Rosa’ (1. Nat. 3,746 b. & 4. Nat. 4,672 b.) … these are the 3 best children of wonder pair ‘Arturo’ x ‘Tila’.
They form a super reinforcement of the top Leideman breeding team at Sangers Pigeons … with star breeder ‘998 Son Goed Grijs’, whose offspring won at least 23x 1. prize & 1. Nat. acebird middle dist. 2023. With in total 4 direct children of ‘Goed Grijs’ and also direct children of Leideman base breeders ‘Arturo’ x ‘Tila’, ‘Crack 19’, ‘Ace 820’, ‘Jet’, ‘Olympic Wolfgang’, ‘Sia’, etc., etc.
We made very pretty pairings of our exclusive Leideman pigeons, pure pairings but also crossed to the ‘Best Kittel’, Van Den Bulck and Verkerk genes.
(Picture of Andre & Bert Leideman by Pigeon Pixels)
Daughter of 3x massive winner
‘Cobalt’ (son ‘Arturo’ x ‘Tila’)
Direct from ‘Vera’,
superdaughter ‘Arturo’ x ‘Tila’
Daughter from ‘Rosa’
1. GP winner from ‘Arturo’ x ‘Tila’