Hot weather and head winds formed the ingredients for a new highlight on the Sangers lofts … Bierges covering 195 km was the second short distance race of the season 2019 and the Sangers team came to show their force under very selective conditions:
Federation 2,333 birds: 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-20-21-22-23-29-30-31-32-etc (63 prizes)
Region (s-prov.) 7,418 birds: 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-33-34-36-37-55-60-62-63 (67 prizes)
The first 2 Sangers pigeons were in the same second and in Federation the 8th Sangers pigeon (on place 9) still had a lead of almost 25 mpm on the 10th pigeon of the liberation.
2nd Bierges 7,193 b. – NL18-1632739 ‘LouLou’
Father: Son ‘Max’ winner 3rd NPO Chalons 10,386 b. from bloodlines Heremans x inbred ‘Super Breeder’
Mother: ‘Kiki’ 1st regional acebird speed 2017 & 1st acebird regional middle distance; from inbred ‘Super Breeder’ cock x superbreeder ‘Gold Dust’, full sister of ‘Kittel’ Dirk Van Den Bulck.
3rd Bierges 7,193 b. – NL17-1826248 ‘Fransa’
1st Chimay 1,804 b. as youngster in 2017
2nd Chimay total liberation from 10,239 b. in same second as the winner in 2017
3th Bierges 7,193 b. in same second as 2nd prize winner in 2019
3rd Nanteuil 1,709 b. after loft mate in 2018
5th Quievrain 4,624 b. in 2018
6th Niergnies 7,100 b. after two loft mates in 2018
20th Bierges 4,402 b. after 5 loft mates in 2018
20th Tienen 3,918 b. in 2019
She was 5th acebird middle distance in Federation in 2018
Father: ‘Skittel’, top breeding son of ‘Kittel’ Dirk VD Bulck
Mother: ‘Gone Wild’ Petrie & dght. ‘Gigi’ 2x 1st NPO
4th Bierges 7,193 b. – NL18-1632722
Father: ‘Nick’, son ‘Fast Red’ 3x NPO top 10 Sangers
Mother: ‘Red Diamond’ VD Bulck from brother ‘Kittel’
5th Bierges 7,193 b. – NL18-1632828
Father: ‘King’ VD Buck son ‘New Kittel’ (res. Olympiad)
Mother: ‘Lotus’, Sangers inbred dght. ‘Fast As Lightning’
6th Bierges 7,193 b. – NL17-1826135 ‘Sabrina’
5th Quievrain 2,120 b.
6th Bierges 7,193 b.
8th Quievrain 4,624 b.
Father: ‘King’ VD Buck son ‘New Kittel’ (res. Olympiade)
Mother: ‘Britt’, 1st Vervins 381 b. & dght. ‘Time Gun’
7th Bierges 7,193 b. – NL18-1632773
Father: ‘Sandocan’, Sangers x sister ‘Rosita’ VD Bulck
Mother: ‘Franca’, from ‘Skittel’ (son ‘Kittel’) x ‘Gone Wild’
8th Bierges 7,193 b. – NL18-1632840
Father: ‘Burning Red’, son ‘Fast As Lightning’ Sangers
Mother: ‘Tita’ VD Bulck , grd. ‘Kittel’ & ‘Broer Goede Rode’